Bar soap and water are fine for cleansing the face if you have sensitive or dry skin.
Harsh soaps can dry and irritate the skin. It is best to use a gentle, alcohol-free, non-abrasive cleanser. Dermatologist-recommended cleansers include Cetaphil and CeraVe.
The face only needs to be cleansed once per day.
Wash your face twice daily, in the morning and evening. You should also wash your face after sweating.
Identify the proper order for facial cleansing.
The proper order for facial cleansing is cleanse, rinse, moisturize.
In terms of beauty, the forehead, nose, and chin are referred to as the...
On the face, the "T-zone" includes the forehead, nose, and chin.
What is the décolleté?
The décolleté (DAY-co-let-TAY) refers to the area of the upper chest just above the bust, including the neck. Technically, it also includes the shoulders and upper back.
Mascara should be replaced every ___________ months.
Mascara should be replaced every 3 months because after this time, bacteria can begin to grow inside the container. You should also replace mascara if you develop any kind of eye infection, to prevent recurrence.
NEVER share mascara. Bacteria can be easily transmitted from person to person through shared makeup.
"Ephelides" is the medical term for...
The medical term for freckles is ephelides. Technically, ephelides describes a specific type of freckle which is flat, and light brown or red in color, and tend to be more common in people with lighter skin tones. Ephelides get darker when exposed to the sun and will lighten with reduced sun exposure and use of sunblock.
The term "pigment" refers to _________________.
Pigment is another word for color. In medical terminology, pigment refers to substances that give color to our skin (melanin), eyes, and hair. In cosmetics, pigment refers to substances that give color to your makeup and nail polish.
If skin is described as "sallow," the skin is...
Skin that is sallow (SAL-owe) has a yellowish color. Sallow skin has a yellow undertone to it. Sallow skin can make a person look older or tired. The main cause of sallow skin is smoking. Other causes include anemia, iron deficiency, and dehydration.
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