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Granuloma annulare definition

Definition of Granuloma annulare

Granuloma annulare: The definition of granuloma annulare in one of the standard print medical dictionaries begins: "a benign, usually self-limited granulomatous disease of unknown etiology, chiefly involving the dermis." Translation: This condition usually clears up by itself (it is "usually self-limited); it is not malignant (it is "benign"); we don't have a clue as to what causes it (it is "of unknown etiology"); it affects the layer (the "dermis") of the skin just below the outside layer (the epidermis).

A granuloma is a localized nodular inflammation which has a typical pattern when the involved tissue examined under a microscope. Annulare comes from the Latin word "anulus" meaning ring. Granuloma annulare is thus a ring-like granuloma in the skin.

Granuloma annulare tends to occur in children, predominantly girls.